“Your present circumstances do not determine where you go; they merely determine where you start.”

- Dr. Lauren Fogel Mersy

My approach

I understand that every individual's background and experiences are unique. Because of this, I use a holistic and integrated approach in which I fully collaborate with you to decide which evidence-based approaches would best suit your needs and help you reach your goals for our time together. By offering a non-judgmental and empathetic ear, my objective is to give my clients the autonomy to learn healthy coping strategies, while empowering them to face issues and challenges in life, as they arise.

With the foundation of our relationship being the starting block, I am often influenced by Cognitive-Behavioural theories, as the connection and relationship between our thoughts, behaviours, emotions, and physical-self, often prove to be essential. Other theorists such as Gestalt, whose notion that with greater awareness comes greater choices; and Adler, who believed that insight could enhance greater motivation toward positive changes; also influence my strength-based approach.  

Depending on your goals and interests, we may spend time finding patterns, building self-awareness, learning and increasing mindfulness, relaxation techniques, and how to truly tap into the present moment. You may find that you have behaviours and belief systems learned from your past that no longer benefit you. By putting the focus on your strengths and positive attributes, together we can learn new tools to build resiliency and the life you imagine for yourself.

Client in counselling session. Prairie Strength Counselling. Regina. Counsellor. Strength Counselling.

The Ease and Convenience of Virtual Counselling

I offer virtual counselling through a secure video platform so that you are able to fit your sessions into your busy schedule, and attend them from a comfortable, safe, and private location of your choosing.

You will receive the same excellent services that you would with in-person counselling to help and support you through these difficult times.

To make virtual counselling even more enjoyable and successful, click the button below to browse my page of online tips, tricks, and recommendations.

Secure Video counselling from anywhere in the province

My office is based in Regina, but thanks to the ability of our secure video counselling platform, I am able to accept clients from anywhere in the prairies.

Map of Saskatchewan. Prairie Strength Counselling. Regina. Counsellor. Strength Counselling

My services

  • Men in counselling session. Prairie Strength Counselling. Regina. Counsellor. Strength Counselling


  • Woman meditating. Prairie Strength Counselling. Regina. Counsellor. Strength Counselling

    Mindfulness & Meditation

“We like to think we react to the world as it is, when really we react to a world that exists in our own minds. This inner world is so powerful, it overwhelms our ability to see reality. John Milton, in Paradise Lost, expressed it this way: “The mind is its own place, and in itself / Can make a Heav’n of Hell, a Hell of Heav’n.”

― Phil Stutz, MD

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