Rates & Office policies


Woman in online counselling session on couch. Prairie Strength Counselling. Regina. Counsellor. Strength Counselling

60-Minute secure online counselling session

$115 / Session (GST Included)

*The 75-Minute Initial Assessment Session is the same rate as a regular session. I only like to allow for extra time, as unlike a regular session, I am striving to gather some history and ensure I have an accurate and complete understanding of your presenting issue.

Man paying online with credit card. Prairie Strength Counselling. Regina. Counsellor. Strength Counselling

accepted payment methods

Prairie Strength Counselling accepts all major credit cards as well as email-transfer.

Payment by Credit Card: Once you book your online appointment, you can add your credit card information to your client profile. This card will be charged following each session.

Payment by E-Transfer: You can send an E-Transfer immediately following your session to contact@prairiestrengthcounselling.com. (The transfer will be accepted automatically with no password required.)

An invoice and receipt will be provided upon payment via email and is also accessible in your client portal.

Insurance Policy and coverage. Prairie Strength Counselling. Regina. Counsellor. Strength Counselling

Insurance coverage

Depending on your current health insurance provider or employee benefit plan, it is possible for services to be covered in full or in part. Please contact your provider to see if a Registered Professional Counsellor - Candidate (RPC-C) certified through the Canadian Professional Counsellors Association (CPCA) is a part of your insurance plan and verify how your plan compensates you for counselling service. Prairie Strength Counselling does not offer direct billing.

Carly Marcotte’s RPC-C Registration Number through the CPCA - #4299. The title Clinical Counsellor can also be used.

Payments for services received are ultimately your responsibility. If preauthorization from your primary doctor, insurance company, or another third party is needed before you begin therapy, it is your responsibility to obtain those documents and file them with your insurance company. Failure to do so will result in you being held 100% responsible for all charges.

Some questions you can ask your insurance provider:

  • Does my health insurance plan include mental health benefits?

  • Does my health insurance cover Registered Professional Counsellors or Clinical Counsellors?

  • Do I have a deductible? If so, what is it and have I met it yet?

  • Does my plan limit how many sessions per calendar year I can have? If so, what is the limit?

  • Do I need written approval from my primary care physician in order for services to be covered?

Questions before getting started?

Get in touch.