today’s virtual counselling is easy and convenient. try these tips to elevate your experience and help you reach your goals.

attend from a private and safe location

Often, your home is the best place to attend a session. However, safety and privacy are the most important factors to consider. This can have impact on your options from where to attend. Please plan ahead prior to your session.

(Regardless of where you choose, for safety considerations, I will ask you your physical location prior to starting each session.)

**See below for more on how we can create a Virtual Safety Plan.

a laptop (or desktop) works best

The secure video platform we will use (Jane App) works best on a laptop or desktop using a Chrome browser. This also offers a wider view so that we can see each other more clearly. This is important for non-verbal communication purposes.

Of course, if your phone is the best option for a particular session, that will be just fine. I recommend trying to prop it up somewhere to keep your hands free and body relaxed.

Choose Comfortable seating and screen positioning

Take some time ahead of your session to find some comfortable seating. Ensure your body is supported, including arm rests, back support, and foot/leg support.

Try to ensure your screen is at a height in which your head, neck and eyes can stay fairly neutral and relaxed.

have something nearby to hold

Keeping a pillow, blanket, or even a stuffed animal nearby to hold onto can deliver great comforting effects. There may be times you choose to discuss topics that take you out of your comfort zone. This may help you feel more secure. It can also be used as posture support for your back or arms during the session.

Keep a glass of water nearby

An hour session often flies by. But there may be a lot of talking done as well in that hour. I recommend having a glass of water or a cup of tea nearby just in case.

(We may even use the water to help with grounding and mindfulness techniques.)

Avoid Screen fatigue

Sitting and looking at a screen can be more work than you think! Here are some reminders to help:

  • Blink frequently to avoid dry eyes.

  • Take eye breaks by looking about 20 feet away every 20 minutes.

  • Reduce glare on your screen (keep direct sun off it and adjust screen settings if needed).

  • Use blue light glasses. :)

Finally… Remind yourself to drop your shoulders, and breathE…

Woman resting in forest against tree. Prairie Strength Counselling. Regina. Counsellor. Strength Counselling

Virtual Safety plan

Sometimes we need to take steps to ensure our safety while attending online counselling. Here are a few ways we can do so…

Safety Signal - A statement or physical gesture can be agreed upon between you and I ahead of your sessions.

Extra Browser - Open a secondary web browser and make it full screen. Have it open behind the video screen in case you need to suddenly close the video during a session.

Delete Online Footprints - Delete your browser history, cookies, and cache.

Use Chat Function - Our video platform, Jane App, has a chat function in the video screen in which you can text something instead of saying it out loud.

Give me call if you would like to chat about setting up your virtual counselling space, or discussing your options.